This article will assist with the basic profile information needed on the EZ Knock side of our application. EZ Knock is the next generation application that EZ Messenger is working on to connect you, the seller, with more opportunities for work and at higher pay rates. EZ Knock is also the application that connects directly with WhoKnocked. WhoKnocked is our a consumer facing application to engage with more defendants and reduce the number of attempts you make.
If you are already an EZ Messenger Vendor follow these steps to update your EZ Knock Profile.
1) Login using your EZ Messenger username and password here if you are unable to login use the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen IN THIS ARTICLE to get help.
2) At the bottom of screen when you log in you will see this. If the information box is GREEN, that means we may have some information from you. Please review the information entered to confirm accuracy. If the box is grayed out, that is information we have not received from you yet and it will turn green once received.
Select Personal Information, or click here
3) Within the Personal Information section please review, update and fill in as much information as possible. Choose Continue.
4) Next you will click on Required Qualifications for EZ Knock or you can click here
5) Select the default job type of Process Server. The other job types listed there are for future releases of EZ Knock and they will be covered in separate help articles. Fill in as much information as possible, be as accurate as possible.
6) IMPORTANT, please provide a professional photo. The photo will display in various places within the application but most notably it will be available to buyers that are looking to place orders with you as well as users that engage with you via WhoKnocked.
Your EZ Knock profile and your existing EZ Messenger profile are merged profiles, you only have one login for both services. As EZ Knock expands there will be additional updates on how to get more business as well as use of the additional features.