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EZ Messenger Vendors - Mobile App

How to access and use the Mobile App

Written by Meghan lemke
Updated over 3 years ago

Mobile App Instructions

Instructions on how to navigate and use the newly updated EZ mobile app. 

Locating the app to download:  The EZ mobile app can be found on the Google Play Store for Android, and App Store for iOS users, by searching "EZ Serve" .

 Logging In:

Your login to the EZ Serve app is the same log in used to log on to the EZ Web Portal.
If you have forgotten your password, please click the icon to the top right of the screen:

You will notice that there are some new icons on the app and some familiar ones. 

Inventory: This option will show you all Open, Completed or All jobs based on the top header option you click. (Jobs may not be in alphabetical order)

Purchase Orders: This option will allow you to approve any available jobs to invoice, and view your Pending and Approved invoices. 

Attempts: This option will allow you to view all saved attempts, serves and failed entries. The red number next to the Attempt icon indicates the amount of failed attempts there currently are. 

More: This option allows you to view and do multiple tasks: view your Intercom messages, access the EZ Help Center,find out your app version, clear your cache, log out of the app, view app settings, and reach out to Vendor Support for assistance. Number next to the More icon represents the number of unread messages from EZ. 

GREEN: Help Center RED: Unread Messages BLUE: Contact Vendor Support.

Refreshing/Loading Your Inventory on the app

  1. Pull down on the screen(similar to refreshing a social media feed), you will see a loading icon. Once refreshed/loaded icon will disappear. You may need to refresh a couple of times for new jobs just accepted to load.

Entering in Attempt/Serve

  1. Locate the job you wish to enter an attempt for. You can search your inventory for the job, or you can use the bar code scanner.

2. Once located click the three dots to the right of the job. 

3. Choose your attempt option (For serves you will select Attempt)

4. Click the camera icon to take your picture. Picture is required to submit an attempt or serve.

5. You can take one or multiple photos. To take multiple, take one photo first, then go back to the camera and take another. Click 'Use Selected' to proceed to next step.

6. Once you have your photo, you will enter your outcome. If served you will need to choose a manner of service as well. If requesting Alternative Service, you will click the option that states such from the outcome for an Attempt. 

7. Enter your attempt notes after you have chosen your outcome. If you served at an alternate address, you can add the address by clicking the current address listed.

Dangerous Addresses: You can flag this address as dangerous if you feel it needs to be reported. Address will be flagged on Erin's List and your attempt notes will be visible for other vendors to know what occurred. 

If you see the address you are about to attempt is flagged already, you can visit and enter the address to see what occurred. The incident may have been in the vicinity of this address or at the listed address. 

Canceling an Attempt or Saving for Later:

You can cancel your entry, or save it for later if needed. Click 'Cancel' at the top left of the screen. Then choose the applicable option. If you save your attempt for later it will be in your Attempt Queue to submit later. 

Submitting your Attempt: 

Once you are satisfied with your entry, and all required fields are completed, click the send icon at the top right of the screen to submit your attempt

Submitted attempts/serves will show in your Attempt Queue. 

Attempt Queue:

 If your attempt fails or is queued there will be a red number notification next to the Attempt icon. Instructions on how to resubmit a failed attempt are located in an article here.

Invoicing on the app: 

The update to the app allows for vendors to view available jobs to invoice, pending invoices, and approved invoices. 

Available: These are invoices that are available for you to approve to be invoiced.
Click the check mark icon to approve the invoice. A pop up will advise you that you are billing EZ for the corresponding amount shown. Click 'Okay, got it' to approve your invoice.  Once approved, the job will move over to the Approved tab. 

Pending: These are jobs that are in Pending invoice. Contact vendor support if you are seeing pending invoices.
Approved: These are invoices that have been approved by you. Depending on when the invoice was approved will determine what check it will pay out on.
All: This tab shows all invoices regardless of status.

Contacting Vendor Support via the app:

You can contact vendor support via the app by going to 'More'. Red number next to the 'More' icon indicates that you have unread conversations. 

The top right icon will get you to the Intercom Chat screen. You can click 'New Conversation' to start a new chat with Vendor Support. 

To see previous chats, or unread conversations, click 'See Previous'

Vendor Help Center

You can view articles to look for answers to frequently asked questions, best practices, assistance on how to submit a job, and more from the help center. 

Articles can be accessed from the top right icon when on the 'More' page or via the Intercom chat screen. 

If you have any questions or concerns with the app, please contact Vendor Support.

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